Experience the excitement of Elementastic scientific hands-on experiments!


During a series of 45 to 60 minutes sessions Elementastic After-School Programs present numerous science topics and let students come face to face with a wide variety of scientific fields. The lesson selection includes all areas of science and is designed to introduce scientific concepts and develop skills that correlate to National Science Education Standards and the Wisconsin State Science Curriculum. The topics and sessions are additionally carefully selected to relate to each other and thus increase the learning effect. Many times the children will build items they can take home to proudly present to family and friends.


Examples for session topics are:

  • Water Wonders

  • Monster bubbles

  • Wonders of Magnetism

  • "Get Slimy!"

  • ...


After-School Programs are designed for groups of 10 to 15 children aged 5 to 12 and typically take place after school hours at school or Daycare Centers.



Join in and be curious!!!


Call us at: (920) 467 3400 or email us today at: info@elementastic.com
